Customs services in


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Dudweiler Landstraße 3
66123, Saarbrücken
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Opening Times

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

More about our customs services in Saarbrücken

Welcome to Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH in Saarbrücken, in the immediate vicinity of the German-French border. Our branch is located directly next to the Saarbrücken customs office. Part of our team has already worked as a ‘transit team’ at the former customs border with France in the past, which gives us many years of experience.Discover first-class solutions at Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH.Our dedicated team in Saarbrücken offers comprehensive customs services so that you can concentrate fully on your core business. We support you in all aspects of customs clearance, including export, import, transit clearance, preferential documents, customs warehousing, inward and outward processing, temporary importation, fiscal clearance and Intrastat.At Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH, you benefit from experienced customs experts who are always informed about the latest developments in international trade. We offer customised solutions and are efficient and reliable in customs clearance. Our aim is to always offer you transparent communication and give you insight into the status of your shipments.

Why Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH?

Trust Gerlach Zolldienste Saarbrücken to handle your customs services professionally. We impress with our professional expertise, customised solutions and clear communication. Our consultancy service covers customs regulations, tariffs and trade agreements to ensure your international business runs smoothly.Contact us today to find out more about our services and optimise your international business. The team at Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH will be pleased to assist you.

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