Customs services in
Ponte Tresa


Vicolo Ponte Vecchio
CH-6988Ponte Tresa
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Opening Times

Monday07:30 / 12:0013:30 / 17:30
Tuesday07:30 / 12:0013:30 / 17:30
Wednesday07:30 / 12:0013:30 / 17:30
Thursday07:30 / 12:0013:30 / 17:30
Friday07:30 / 12:0013:30 / 17:30

More about our customs services in Ponte Tresa:

Welcome to Gerlach Ltd. Consultancy, your premier nexus for seamless border transitions located in the strategic hub of Ponte-Tresa at the Grenzbüro IT/CH. Our office is designed to foster an atmosphere of efficiency and professionalism. As you step into our establishment, you are greeted by a modern and sleek environment that reflects the expertise and precision we dedicate to every client's need. Our streamlined office layout ensures prompt and meticulous attention to your import and export processes between Switzerland and its international counterparts. At Gerlach Ltd., we specialize in navigating the complex landscape of customs regulations to facilitate a smooth and compliant flow of goods across borders. We offer an extensive suite of services tailored to support businesses in managing their import and export operations with Switzerland, ensuring your transactions are executed with the utmost care and legality. Trust Gerlach Ltd. to be the cornerstone of your business's international trade framework - where service meets excellence at the crossroads of Swiss efficiency.

Get in Contact with us!

Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
Copyright ©2024 Gerlach Customs