Customs services in


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P3 Park, Dolní Novosadská 335/94
783 01, Olomouc – Nemilany
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Opening Times

Monday: 07:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 16:00
Friday: 07:00 - 16:00

More about our customs services in Olomouc

The office is located in the logistics zone on the outskirts of Olomouc.We have plenty of free parking spaces there not only for cars, but also for trucks, and there is a customs office nearby, where we handle shipments that cannot be handled electronically with our permits, without the direct involvement of customs officials. We also handle shipments for contractual customers located at approved locations in the Olomouc and Zlín regions. Our range of services includes a variety of services including import, export and transit customs declarations as well as customs consulting.

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